Our Products
To meet the needs of front, middle and back offices in the commodity trading environment
All WinRisk products are designed and developed to run on industry standard office environment platforms and where appropriate utilise database technology, which is mainly SQL Server. Most modules can also be configured to run on Access (2003 upwards) if required.
WinVaR is a component based Value at Risk (VaR) system specifically designed to handle the unique market requirements of those enterprises using commodity based contracts as part of their trading portfolio. At its core is WinRisk’s Value at Risk calculation engine, which has been successfully deployed at a number of trading companies.
WinOPS is a fully integrated back office trade administration system specifically designed to meet the needs of those active in the commodity trading environment who are using the derivatives markets as part of their trading or risk management activities. WinOPS can handle all market and instrument types and can process and value all futures and forward contracts and contract types, exchange traded and OTCs.
Provides a flexible card presentation capability, which gives the ability to run dealer cards based on current positions. This can be further developed in conjunction with the VaR module to produce real time VaR analysis.
WinOpt is an option and averaging pricing system offering considerable flexibility to price both standard options (TAPO’s and Traded) and OTC options. It also has an option strategy analyser embedded within. The module can take underlying market feeds from a variety of different sources.
Presenting spread risks, option risk and hedging requirements, WinPORT allows an unlimited number of portfolios to be analysed on an aggregate basis or independently. Live feeds can be connected to WinPORT allowing the portfolios and the associated greeks to be viewed on a real time basis.
WinTrams is a trade monitoring system designed to identify trades which fall outside user defined criteria for Compliance (FSA and LME) purposes. The system alerts relevant staff and records responses. The system has been viewed by FSA staff and received a commendation.
WinImport is a prices and risk array file importer which will download the closing prices including, volatilities, FX and interest rates and span files from the internet. The data is stored in an SQL server (or Access) database for use by other (not necessarily WinRisk) software.
The price source is configurable and can be any number of third-party vendor systems or internal price files. By default the price source is assumed to be the various Market prices and Span files which are available on the internet.
As well as populating the WinRisk price tables WinImport also calculates the missing volatilities for all price series. This allows valuations to be calculated for unlisted option contracts and OTC’s.
The program comes with data analysis tools and graphing.
WinQuote is an entry level price information delivery system that presents real-time prices to the trading desk and anywhere else where real time prices are essential. WinQuote can be installed independently or as is usually the case as a front end to WinImport.
This module analyses the Profit and loss (both current and forward), variation and initial margin requirements allowing apportioning of the P&L at all levels from the overall company position drilling down to the individual trade if required. It supports the main initial margin calculation methods including SPAN1.
The comprehensive presentation capability presents a flexible interface to the user allowing drill downs to the details behind each calculation and apportionment across accounts. It also provides for detailed position analysis both vertically (within instrument groups/type) and horizontally (by account groups).
Taking position information from WinTAS (WinRisks trade administration system) or other 3rd party systems, each individual trader can configure how he wishes to view his position information.